VBC Management

Leverage Caliper's risk module to successfully transition to value-based care (VBC) payments, maximizing shared savings, enhancing patient healthcare outcomes, and improving engagement and health equity.

Adjust Risks

Value-based Care Module

Predictive Analytics

Risk Scoring and Stratification

Caliper's AI-powered care navigation elevates the quality of care by predicting acute events before they become critical.

Prescriptive Analytics

Highly Impactful Recommendations

Caliper’s AI-powered prescriptive recommendations highlight swift actions to manage costs for the highest risk patients in the population.

Performance Analytics

Reduce Disparity

Utilize Caliper’s advanced analytics to uncover healthcare disparities across 130+ medical, social, demographic, and environmental factors, driving health equity improvements.


Impact of our Value-Based Care module


Shared savings for our client in 1 year


Care management engagement increased
from 30% to 65% in 1 year


Reduction in inpatient admits in 1 year


Reduction in ER Visits in 1 year

"We are inspired by the work of Foresight Health Solutions. By analyzing claims data, ER Visits, prescriptions, and social needs, they provide a comprehensive risk assessment. Their AI-driven insights have enabled us to predict costs and risks effectively, leading to significantly improved health outcomes for our patients, at lower costs."

Leina'ala Kanana
Chief Community Health Services Officer
Waianae Coast Comprehensive Health Center.

Book a demo

Learn how Caliper clinician-first AI platform can enhance your value-based outcomes.